To promote and support the effective use of Korean social science data, a series of educational workshops on quantitative data analysis methods are offered during the winter months of January-February and in the summer months of July-August. Unlike statistical methods classes provided at universities, the workshops focus on hands-on training using selected KOSSDA datasets to encourage practical application skills of data analysis. In addition to the workshops, KOSSDA offers special lectures on methods of social sciences data search and presentation at the request of educational or research institutions.
Workshops on Quantitative Data Analysis Methods
Workshop Program
The workshop program is divided into three levels of 2 week sessions for a total duration of 6 weeks. The introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses are offered consecutively, which allows for the successive attendance at two or more levels. The introductory level covers elementary analytical methods, the intermediate deals with regression analyses, and the advanced covers various methods of advanced statistics. To attend the KOSSDA workshop an application form may be submitted online or by email, and registration by telephone is also available. The maximum classes is 25. The workshop schedule and registration fees will be noted on the KOSSDA website 2 months prior to the workshop.

Course Description

Elementary statistics, descriptive statistics and related measurement, cross tabulation, group mean comparison, elementary regression analysis, and hands on training using SPSS
Intermediate Course
Correlation analysis, Factor Analysis, upper-level regression analysis and hands on training using SPSS
Advanced Course
Understanding and practical application of advanced statistics including structural equation modeling, network analysis, hierarchical linear model, categorical data analysis, and the latest data analysis methods
Lectures on Access to Social Sciences Data
This program introduces major social sciences data archives including KOSSDA and their search systems. KOSSDA accepts applications from departments of universities or colleges as well as research institutes. The program takes about 2 hours, and the schedules and venue may be negotiated with KOSSDA. The minimum number of participants is 15.
Lectures on Data Presentation Methods
This program focuses on how to effectively present data and results from data analyses in one's research. Topics included are the construction of tables and graphs using such programs as Excel or SPSS, and methods of presenting results from various statistical analyses. It is a 4-hour program. and is offered twice a year (in February and August) at KOSSDA. The minimum number of participants is 15.